Book-The Moutain Goat People of Cheam - Stó∶lō Gift Shop

Book-The Mountain Goat People of Cheam


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The Mountain Goat People of Cheam
A delightful story as told by Maggie Emery and Amelia Douglas. The danger of hunting without the knowledge of nature, is the lesson to be learned from this wonderful story told to us by Maggie and Amelia. A young hunte...Read more

The Mountain Goat People of Cheam

A delightful story as told by Maggie Emery and Amelia Douglas.  The danger of hunting without the knowledge of nature, is the lesson to be learned from this wonderful story told to us by Maggie and Amelia.  A young hunter carelessly wanders over the treacherous slopes of Mt. Cheam not heeding the signs of danger until it is too late.  It is only through strong family love that he is able to return home.  The fine drawings were done by Peter Lindley, the Sto:lo artist who has illustrated all our books.  At the end of the book we have included short biographies of our story tellers, Maggie and Amelia.